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Overcoming Fear, Anxiety and Worry – April 5, 2020

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This pandemic has caused all kinds of trouble for so many families. God has a word for you on how to overcome your fear, anxiety, and worry. Learn how to STILL yourself before God and receive all the blessings He has for you. Join Pastor Bill as he teaches on what Jesus said about overcoming fear, anxiety, and worry.

Be sure to connect with us and let us know how this message helped you or how we can pray for you.

April 5, 2020. Special Palm Sunday message.

CONNECT With Us! ==>

Community Scavenger Hunt

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Watch for the first clue to be posted here and in the online groups! Then start your way to the first clue and there will be a sign there for the 2nd clue! 20 stations all around our TRR neighborhood!

A Daily Covid-19 Prayer For Each of Us

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Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.

Thank you, Father, that we can call you our Father who is always there to comfort us, encourage us, and lift us up when we fall. You are our wonderful Heavenly Dad, who does not condemn us, but helps us on the right path. We need your calm, peace filled reassurance during these enormously stressful times.

Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.

We humble ourselves, acknowledge You alone are God, and declare Your Will being done is more important than our will being done. Please let your will be that this storm of a global pandemic be shutdown immediately. Please bring peace on earth like it is in Heaven. Please bring healing and wholeness on earth, like it is in Heaven. Please bring justice and provision on earth like it is in Heaven. Please keep our family  emotionally strong as the saints are in Heaven. Help us to align with You in every area of our life as those who are in Heaven are.  We humbly acknowledge, we need You and we need You to do what we clearly cannot do.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Father, I thank you for everything You provide for us. Please allow me to have what I need today to eat, pay our bills, provide for our families, and to have the health we need to serve You and our families. Give us the wisdom and the strength to work to honor you and eyes to see how you provide for us.

And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors.

Father, please forgive me of my sins and all the ways I have not acknowledged my need of You in so many areas. Please forgive our nation for all the ways we have rejected You. Please forgive my unbelief, my community’s unbelief, and our nation’s unbelief.

I release all unforgiveness and bitterness toward any wrong anyone has ever done to me. I forgive them because I need Your forgiveness. Have mercy on me. Thank you for the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross that I might be forgiven.

And do not lead us into temptation,

Father, there are sins that are so very easy for me to slip into. Please protect me from myself and my inclinations that would destroy me and devastate the relationships in my life. Protect me from self-will, mistreating others who need mercy, misusing my power, lust, greed, bitterness, unloving behavior, and all of the other ways where I dishonor You.

But deliver us from the evil one.

Father, the evil one is trying to destroy my life, my marriage, my children, my neighbors, and all of my relationships. Please protect me from the real unseen battle with the spiritual forces of darkness.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Father, please give power to the weak and those who are serving us during this horrible time. Those whom the world would many times look down on or take for granted. Please grant them health and strength and encouragement.

Please grant our leaders wisdom. Help them work together in a spirit of harmony and leaving politics aside. Grant grace and mercy, for we all need it ourselves.

Father, You are all powerful, all knowing, all present Holy God. You could stop this global pandemic immediately. Please do. We acknowledge You are God Almighty and we are not. Have mercy on each of our families, our community, our state, our nation and our world.

In the Great and Powerful name of Jesus,



Pastor Bill Stevens

Matthew 6:9-13 (NKJV)

Ordering Your Life at The House!

By Articles, Blog

Ordering Your Life at The House!

Bill Stevens

April 2, 2020

You are now quarantined at the house with your spouse and children. You are required to work from home and simultaneously homeschool you children. How do you order you daily life so you don’t go crazy?  The question actually sounds like something out of a survival book or a life or death situation board game!

Stephanie and I have actually been doing this for years, until the older kids were able to go to high school. So our adjustment has been very easy and following are some tips we have learned.

1. Remember the top priorities.

Love God, Love wife, Love children, do your God-given work.

This will help you remember, when work is frustrating to you, these other relationships take precedence over your work. So if you have a bad day at work, don’t take it out on your kids or spouse.

2.  Sleep a little longer.

You can probably and should sleep longer if you can. You don’t have any commute or any distance to drive for lunch. Use that extra time for rest since the emotional stress of our national situation is going to be heavier than any other time. But when you get up, get dressed and ready for work like you would normally do. There is something therapeutic in this routine.

3.  Homeschooling! Aggghhh!

Don’t fixate on the difficulty of homeschooling, because it is not as difficult as you might think. Of course if they are like trying to teach their ______ (insert grandparent’s name here) then you become more and more thankful for teachers! LOL!

Seriously, it takes less time than an eight hour day to teach your children at the house. Most of it can be done in half the time, especially if they are elementary age. Why? You are the teacher and you have to teach twenty-five children or your two. Which is going to take longer? #commonsense.

So use every moment to teach. Fun things Stephanie has done is read to them every day because there is power in hearing something read to you, use chocolate chips for math, make cookies for fractions, follow a recipe for learning to read and follow directions, and anything you may do normally in the house that you can use to teach them key principles.

Screen time?  Documentaries are better than mind numbing junk tv. But hey! We all like chips and cookies too, especially during stressful times, so don’t be a madman.

Help them grow spiritually. Read the Bible to them daily and pray with them. The Jesus Storybook Bible is amazing or just reading from one of the Gospels like Luke or John which are very engaging.

4.  Get organized with a place to work and a schedule.

This is imperative especially if you are both working from the house. You need a start time and an end of work day time. Work hard then “go home.” When work is over, walk away from it. Walk away from the texts, the emails, the meetings, everything. Go home and kiss your wife, and enjoy your family.

5.  Enjoy your family.

They are not your coworkers, don’t treat them like they are. Your children are not an interruption but the gifts you prayed God would give you. Tell them you love them and hug them more, unless you are symptomatic! If you are quarantine yourself in a room and have them feed you quesadillas by sliding them under the door! Some of the best therapy you can give your children is just ordering your life well, being calm, loving them, pointing them to trust Jesus, and doing your work faithfully.

6. Plan a day off to Rest!

God gave us a Sabbath day to rest, rejuvenate, and worship Him. It was for rest and spiritual rest, not work, not everything else the world has to offer, but to rest. Your body needs it, your soul needs it, and you entire family needs to know how to get in good spiritual rhythms with God during these times.

Connect with us and we will keep you in the loop of what is happening. But also, let us know what kind of needs you are facing!  If you want we will send you info on how to grow in your relationship with Christ.


September 6, 2020

Direction, Peace, and Real Life – Pastor Bill Stevens – The Well – Sun. September 6, 2020

Feeling shaken, broken, directionless, unsettled, and wondering about where your life is going? This message is for you. God doesn't want you wandering around through life wondering about the answers…
June 28, 2020

Finding Peace in the Midst of Panic – June 28, 2020

Finding Peace in the Midst of Panic Join Pastor Bill as he teaches on how to find peace in the middle of panic and chaos. Psalm 11 on June 28,…
June 27, 2020

July 5th Sunday Funday

JULY 5TH SUNDAY FUNDAY Please SOCIAL DISTANCE in your groups. SCHEDULE (Details following) Corn Hole Start (9:00 or 10:00 depending on number signed up, details below) Bicycle Parade 11:00 Start…
June 10, 2020


May 12, 2020

Don’t Give Up! You Can Walk on Water! May 10, 2020 Worship at The Well

Don't Give Up! You Can Walk on Water! Join Pastor Bill as he finishes the "Don't Give Up!" series with "Don't Give Up! You Can Walk on Water!" God wants…
May 3, 2020

Don’t Give Up When You are Tested! Worship at The Well! May 3, 2020

Connect with us! Let us know how this message ministered to you. .... how we can pray for you. This card will help keep you up to date on what…

Spiritual Growth: Discovering the Bible Introduction

By Blog, Featured

Spiritual Growth Fast Track

We will going through a “Fast Track” set of Scriptures on Spiritual Growth.  We will Zoom Video Conference.  You can just sit and listen or you can join in the discussion. Try it out and see if it works for you.

Wednesday Evenings 7:10PM  MT  /  8:10 CST

Register now to get the login link info.

Fast Track Top Ten!

□ The Path to Forgiveness Mark 1:15, Luke 7:36-50

□ The Growth Pathway. Matt. 28:18-20, John 4:4-42

□ Embrace Your New Identity: 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

□ Identify w/Christ in Baptism: Acts 8:26-39

□ Pray Often. Luke 11:1-13

□ Show the Love of Jesus. Luke 10:25-37

□ Give. Matthew 6:1-4, Mark 12:41-44

□ Gather.  Hebrews 10:24-25, Acts 2:36-47

□ Don’t Give Up!  Matthew 10:22, Acts 5:27-42

□ Walk in the Spirit.  Galatians 5:13-26

The Discovery Bible Study Method – Introduction

Learning a systematic, methodical, and logical method to studying and understanding the Bible.


First third of group time.           


  1. What are you grateful for?
  2. Where are you struggling?
  3. Update: How did it go from our last meeting?

Other Caring questions for a group

  • Who is not here that needs to be here?
  • Who needs care?
  • Praise & Prayer Time.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit of God to lead you to understand Him through His Word and that there would be no distractions from understanding what He wants us to know.



Second third of group time.

The Scripture Passage:

  • Have someone read the passage out loud.
  • Have another person Re-Read out loud.
  • Another person Retells the passage from memory.



  • Get a piece of paper and write the following three questions on it.
  • Ask the following three questions but remember the rule: Keep your focus on only what this passage says.  No outside opinions, study Bible notes, or what someone else has said. Stay with just this passage.
  • Use the PEACE Bible Study questions to dig into the passage.


Question #1:  What do I learn about God from this passage?

  • God the Father, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit, His ways, His message, Commands, Promises, etc.?
  • Drill down on this question until you think you have exhausted answering it.


Question #2: What do I learn about us/people from this passage?

  • Drill down on this question until you think you have exhausted answering it.

Question #3:  What do I need to do with what I am learning from this passage?

  • Drill down on this question until you think you have exhausted answering it.


Use these questions to help you deepen your study of each section.

P – Is there a promise / principle to affirm?

E – Is there an example to follow?

A – Is there an affirmation to make?

C – Is there a command to obey?

E – Is there an error (sin) to avoid?

Always ask the 5W & H questions:  Who, What. When, Where, Why, & How?



Last third of group time.

Closing Questions:

  • This week how will you obey Jesus?
  • This week how will you read Scripture & pray daily?
  • This week how will you share Jesus?



  • Ask God for boldness to listen, obey, and share Jesus this week.
  • Pray for those who are far from God.
  • Who will you invite to this study next week?
  • Who can you share this with this week?


Who can you do this with?  Your Oikos?

Okios is the Greek word for your family, friends, and go to people. Start with yourself in the middle and then move outward. They have friends too.


Who is your Oikos? 

Where do I Begin?

Fast Track Your Spiritual Growth

Drink Deeply from The Well!

What does God want us to know about Him and the way we should live? What are the big things that we need to know? Get started here:


Fast Track Top Ten!

□ Repent and Believe Mark 1:15, Luke 7:36-50

□ Make Disciples. Matt. 28:18-20, John 4:4-42

□ Embrace Your New Identity: 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

□ Identify w/Christ in Baptism: Acts 8:26-39

□ Pray Often. Luke 11:1-13

□ Show the Love of Jesus. Luke 10:25-37

□ Give. Matthew 6:1-4, Mark 12:41-44

□ Gather.  Hebrews 10:24-25, Acts 2:36-47

□ Don’t Give Up!  Matthew 10:22, Acts 5:27-42

□ Walk in the Spirit.  Galatians 5:13-26


Drink Deeper!

□ Walk by Faith.  Hebrews 11:1,6,  Luke 7:1-10

□ Worship God.  Psalm 100, Romans 12:1-2

□ Know Grace.  Luke 15:11-32,  Eph 2:8-10

□ Remember Christ’s Sacrifice.  Luke 22:14-23

□ Be Battle Ready.   Ephesians 6:10-20

□ Fix Wrong Thoughts.  Philippians 4:2-9

□ Forgiveness.  Matthew 18:21-35

□ Love Deeply.  1 Corinthians 13

□  Relationships 101:  Matthew 7:1-6

□ Harmony.  Matthew 18:15-20

□ Gratitude. Luke 17:11-19

□ Don’t Worry. Luke 12:22-34

What Translation of the Bible do I use?

Recommended Bibles?  

(Listed from hard to easy to read)

NASB – New American Standard Version Updated.

NKJV –  New King James Version

NIV – New International Version

NLT – New Living Translation

God is For You! He is Not Against You! Sunday Morning 03-22-20

By Audio-Video

God is For You! He is not against you! He wants to encourage you through this pandemic craziness! Message from today 03-22-20.

Personally, I am not a fan of being isolated, especially doing a video. I like to walk, talk, and wave my hands as I preach/teach. I feel like a dog tied up in this video, so if I look like I want to break and run, I did. LOL! Join me as I teach about how God is for you!


Bill Stevens.


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