Update for Covid-19
We care about your kids’ well-being during these times.
We never want to disappoint our kids if at all possible, so we are not cancelling the Easter Egg Hunt, but we are changing the game plan completely.
We will not have a public Easter Egg Hunt but make everything available so you can have a home egg hunt!
We will provide eggs, candy, coloring pages, and ideas for home games so you can have a home Easter Egg Hunt! Please take video or do it FB/Instagram Live so we can join in your fun. Please make it public and hashtag it #THEWELL #TRREgg2020
We will be posting pickup locations and dates for the egg bags closer to Easter.
We will have delivered door prizes and an online signup for families to enter for the prizes! Live Drawing Giveaways!
This is a hard enough situation so we want to make it as enjoyable as possible to our kids will not be afraid and we will be able to help keep them emotionally healthy!
PRIZES! Scooters & Kites!
We want you to come and have a great family time!
Last year we could not do this without volunteers from the neighborhood and community, and this year it is the same! We need your help!
Sponsored by:
- The Well Ministrie
- TRR Foundation
We love our community!

Last Year Was a Blast!
Field and Fun Layout