Bill Stevens
Jesus replied “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30
Jesus wasn’t a fan of religion and you shouldn’t be either. That sounds strange saying that about Jesus and from myself, a pastor starting a new church. But Jesus never came to bring a religion.
Religion is people’s attempt to get God do to what they want Him to do. Religion focuses on rules to follow as a means of gaining God’s favor and if you do good enough then God would have to do what you ask Him to do. If you don’t do His rules, then He is going to Zap you! This is not the character of the God of the Bible at all. This is god-like characteristics from paganism like Greek mythology. This was not Jesus’ message nor attitude at all, but that hasn’t stopped jacked-up people from misusing and misrepresenting the message of Christ to control, manipulate, and even destroy other people’s lives. They impose their own rules that Christ never said and seek to guilt/shame you if you do not follow their ways. People were doing this in the time of Jesus. They had hi-jacked God’s message to shame, guilt, and control others all the while promoting themselves, but living double-standard pretending hypocritical lives. These religionists never tried to help the people they were slamming with guilt/shame. They would rather kill a woman caught in adultery than get them marriage counseling.
Jesus slammed these religious leaders and lifted-up those who had been hurt by them. Notice what Jesus said about religion: Religion will exhaust you emotionally because it is so burdensome. Religion will burn you out. Religion will destroy your life. Religion will hurt you.
Notice what He said as the real solution to our problems and our deepest need. He calls us to go to Him, hang out with Him, walk with Him, and let Him carry your heavy loads for you. Only a person can do these kinds of things, not an impersonal religion. Religion only points out how bad a person you are, but a personal relationship with Christ Himself brings you to a place of life, encouragement, rest for your soul, recovering your life, and He won’t make walking with Him difficult. He won’t give you heavy burdens of Do’s-and-Don’ts that you cannot carry.
Christ came to give you life, not drain it from you. He offers God’s love, help, power, mercy and grace all unconditionally. There is no payment plan. The payment was made on the Cross for all of our sins. He took our full deserved judgment on the cross, so we can approach Him without fear of judgment or condemnation. We can approach Him as He always intended for us to, as a loving father, but more than that, our Amazingly Loving Heavenly Father who loves us looks for ways to help us. Yes, He wants to help us. Yes, He will help you. Go to Him now.
Father, help me to walk with Jesus, accept your love and grace, learn of you and your ways, find rest in you, and live the amazing life you have for me. Amen.