Can people change? I will answer this at the end.
I haven’t always been a pastor. Actually, I would have been voted least likely to become a pastor. The days of me having cool hair in my 20’s are gone. The Mohawk, with painted shaved stripes in my head, and sweet dangly earrings are well behind me.
I thought I was living the Good Life!
I put my hope in the next best thing to satisfy my life. The newest car, the next relationship, money and more money, the next party, the next drink, the coolest and newest technology – none of these never satisfied. It always left me empty. I was always angry and frustrated at life, looking for fulfillment in things and people that could not fill my emptiness.
It left me with a string of regrets and brokenness.
I did this for 11 solid straight years, from 14 to 25. I knew dozens of bar tenders by their first name, …. well, I knew the bouncers better than the bar tenders.
Then someone invited me to a party they were having once a week.
Not your normal party. A party with snacks, hanging out, some life coaching, and discovering the Bible together. It took a while, but after learning who God was I had a radical life changing experience with Christ. No, I did not get religion – I encountered the living God through faith in Christ.
When I understood that Christ Jesus is God who became a man.
- Christ revealed the Father to us.
- Christ Jesus died for my sins – all of our sins, taking the guilt, shame, and punishment we deserve for our rebellion.
- How do we know what He did was sufficient to remove our guilt, shame, and reconcile us to God?
- He proved this by being raised from the dead on the 3rd
I called out to God and said
- Father, Forgive me.
- I am turning away from my wrong ways.
- I want to follow Jesus.
- Thank you for dying on the cross to rescue me from my myself.
- Thank you for forgiving me.
Instantly, my life was changed.
Instantly, I encountered the living God. He didn’t punish me, shame me, guilt me – He forgave me. Instantly I was filled with His love, His peace, and His joy.
How did I know I was forgiven? How do you know you have been forgiven? How do you know that you have a shirt on? You have experienced putting it on and the feeling of wearing it. It is not mental gymnastics where you try to manage guilt/shame, but a real experience and ongoing experience with God personally knowing you have been forgiven.
Since then… I have experienced some serious transformation. This is what Christ promises when we follow Him. The anger and the frustration, hoping for the next best thing to satisfy me – gone. I found satisfaction in Christ Jesus. Christ will take our broken lives and turn it into something so much more satisfying and rewarding!
Another Change of Direction
After that time I experienced some significant business success and was offered to purchase at that time, a leading tractor company in Louisiana. I knew that is what I had always wanted, but the more I prayed about it and read God’s Word, I knew God wanted me pursuing a ministry path. So 23 years ago, I started a ministry path of theological education and serving various churches as lead pastor and administrator, or leadership development and teaching pastor. I have owned a software development company and a digital marking firm, but the most satisfaction I have ever had has been helping others find their Hope in Christ.
Can people change?
People can change themselves some on our own, we can never reach deep into our heart and change it. The motives, the wrong desires, the emptiness. Only God can reach into the dead part of our lives and bring life to it. However, I am absolutely certain of God’s power to radically change and transform anyone’s life and to fill it with love, peace, and joy! I’ve experienced it.
I look forward to meeting you and hearing your story!
Check out one of our community groups! I know you will be blessed through that experience! Thanks for listening!
But more importantly, you can find forgiveness in Christ today.. Read here to see how Christ removes our guilt, shame, forgives us and transforms our lives.
Reach out and connect with me.
Bill Stevens