Thanks so much for coming to the Nerf Wars! We had a great time with a lot of our friends and meeting some new friends at the Nerf Wars!
It is great to have fun and play aggressive in the Nerf Wars, but there is a time to be gentle too. I shared last night about how the shepherds who looked after sheep were gentle to them because they were easily frightened, but these same shepherds were warriors and very aggressive when it came to protecting the sheep from the mountain lions and bears. Jesus is gentle toward us but He is also a Warrior, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
I gave all of the parents there an arrow head as a reminder that God wants our kids to fly like straight arrows. The best way to help our kids fly like straight arrows is to allow Jesus to remove the crookedness and warped ways from our lives.
“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands.” Psalm 127:3-4
Bill and Stephanie Stevens