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Jesus said, “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”  Luke 6:37 of the Bible


No one likes to be judged, unfortunately, we are in a world of judgmental people. And as the old saying goes, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”  Jesus said, if we cop a judgmental attitude toward others, no matter how right we think we are, that we are setting ourselves up for failure. When we judge we should expect to be judged in the same way by others.

You may come up with all kinds of… “Oh, but….” ways of justifying your judgmental attitudes, but Jesus didn’t leave room for that. He is NOT a fan of judging someone’s motives and why they do what they do.  Why?

When we judge we make ourselves out to be God – all-knowing and perfect-fully righteous God. When we judge, we are simply saying we know as much as God and we are without-fault fully capable of making perfectly righteous decisions about other people.

Remind yourself, that you do not have the information God has and you are are not perfectly righteous like God is. Work on judging yourself, your attitudes, your actions, & your ideas. Hold yourself up to the perfect standard, Jesus Christ.


Today, ask God to forgive you for any judgmental or critical attitudes and ask Him to help you become less like that and more like Him. Ask Him to help you love everyone like He does.

by Bill Stevens