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Single Mom Helped

I wish you could have heard her voice when I called and told her what God had provided through our ministry partners like you! This dear hard working single mom of 5 kids (all at the house) hit some very hard times and was about to be evicted from her house and lose their car completely. On top of all of those troubles her phones were off, internet had been cut off, her computer was crashing which she made her livelihood from and she needed grocery money. When we put the request out two weeks ago, within one week we were able to take care of all of these needs!  When I told her what we were going to be able to do, she began crying and saying “Jesus knows exactly what I needed!”

We were able to help her with more than $6000 for specific needs of hers. She is now stable and moving forward in her work.

Dear friends, thank you for your prayers and support to help us minister to needs like this. I did a Facebook Live video (which I hate doing! yuck!) but it received over 2,000 views and most were local here in Loveland. Through ministry opportunities like this, God keeps giving us unusual favor in the community as we serve Him by serving the least of these.

She was almost aborted by her mom, raped by her dad and his friends as a child until she was 8, married later and that turned into a bad situation, had a child ran over by a car while riding his bike, and now she and her five kids face eviction from their house and the loss of their car. God keeps sending us single moms in the Loveland area who have been through the greatest suffering. This week is one of those weeks.

She gave us permission to share her story. We want to protect her identity, so her picture is not available.

Her Story

Her mom tried to abort her as a baby, but aborted her unknown twin sister instead. She was sex-trafficked by her father until age 8 and he abandoned her. She said, “He sold me to his friends for sexual favors in exchange for money so he could go drink. I have memories of sitting on his lap while he held me down while they raped me.” And “I spent my whole life growing up thinking he never wanted me and I was worthless.”


Now, this single mom (five kids at the house) was married to a closet alcoholic, who was involved in pornography, a financial wreck, and abusive. She went to a spiritually abusive church which said she could not divorce her abusive husband. Not only was she abused horribly by her biological father as a child, now she was being abused by her husband.


She said to me…  “So fast forward 17 years after that. In the middle of that time period, my son was killed in a car accident. In 2001, I was 8 months pregnant with my second daughter and he was hit while riding his bike. … There’s a lot of other stuff in my past but perseverance is a trait that God has developed in me my entire life.”


She is a very hard working single mom working from home developing a business to provide websites for businesses.


Her Needs

She said, “I have been able to stay on track and pay my living expenses for the past 3 years but just barely. I have learned to continue pressing onward against everything that appears to be coming against me.”

She continued by saying, “We are living on very small amounts of food, whatever I can get from the food bank. My internet has been shut off, my phone will be shut off next week, my computer which I have to use for working is ready to die and randomly shuts off. NONE OF THAT MATTERS!  GOD ALONE IS MY SOURCE. That is one of the deepest lessons I have had to learn through all of this and it has been hard fought and hard-earned. But I don’t question it at all anymore. Right now I need $1,600 for my rent today or my landlord will file the first notice giving me 3 days to cure it or be evicted. I absolutely without a doubt trust that God will provide and work in my situation.”

Bill and Stephanie Stevens

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The Well Ministries International, Inc.
PO Box 145
Loveland, CO 80539

The Well Ministries International Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 tax deductible organization.

The Well is a faith-based ministry that believes the message of Christ is the answer to the world’s problems today. We believe everyone needs to see the Love of Christ and to hear the message of the Love of Christ. The Well is funded by people who believe the same thing and want to spread the message of the love of Christ! Your donations help support this ministry of serving others!

Our Financial and Fund Raising Policies.