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Moving Past Wrong Thoughts

“We capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5

Have you ever let something get in your head, consume your thoughts, and then only to bring you pain?  We all have. It is called being a human. If the wrong things get in your head, it can spell disaster for your life, and for those closest to you.

God created everything perfect in the beginning, then Adam & Eve let some wrong thoughts get in their head, then in their heart, and ultimately in their actions. Adam’s actions brought death, pain, and suffering to the entire world.

We are all prone to letting the wrong things get in our heads everyday:  fear, anxiety, worry, lust, pride, bad advise from others, offenses, injustice, suffering, the desire for more stuff, wealth, pleasure, depression, sadness, unmet expectations, anger, broken trust, betrayal, jealously, greed, hate, racism, and even ageism.

We are all prone to have the wrong ideas about how we should live our lives and how life should be lived. God is the Answer for us as we enter into a personal relationship with Christ, and God has the answer for us as we seek to understand His ways of living, and how life should be lived.

The biggest and most dangerous thing that gets in our head and controls our heart is our own selves. Yes, I. I am my own worst enemy and you are your own worst enemy. Pride – thinking too highly of myself. Yes, we are all prone to think too highly of ourselves, our abilities, our heritage, our upbringing, our resources, and our ______ whatevers.  When pride takes deep root in our lives, we become arrogant. The difference between arrogance and pride, is that the arrogant don’t even realize how proud they are.

Begin today by tell God, “Father, I need you to help me have the right thoughts about myself, others, stuff, life, and You. Please help me.”  Then open up God’s Word, the Bible, and begin with the Gospel of John or Luke. Read how Jesus lived his life toward others, toward God, and toward Himself. Ask God to help you have His attitude and thought life. Jesus will bring peace to your struggle. He brings peace to mine!


Bill Stevens

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